3 Police Officers Go Above And Beyond To Calm Autistic Teenager Having Meltdown

The police have been under a lot of attacks lately and are being scrutinized from all quarters but this story shows us that they like doctors are human and do their best to serve us.


A mother shared a heart-wrenching account of how she had to call in law enforcement because of her teenage son’s meltdowns that turned into rage towards the family.

Police officers undergo a lot of training on how to handle various situations including people with autism, and this grateful mother is sharing on Facebook about the empathy they showed towards her son, John.

She wrote, “In the last week, I’ve had 6 police officers in my home because my sons meltdowns turned to rage. With so much negativity shown towards law enforcement lately, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to show my appreciation for the empathy these officers had for my son.”

During situations like these, it is important to listen and understand what the person with autism wants and not react in a way that will upset them further.

She said that the three officers were filled with compassion and listened and learned more about this condition as they were not fully aware of autism. Their presence there helped keep the family safe and they asked a lot of questions so that they would not take any wrong action.

She said the reason for John’s meltdown was that he wanted to dress up like Joe on Blues Clues but she wasn’t able to find the same shirt anywhere which caused him to behave in that way.

The officers helped calm John down and then they went a step further to buy him a blue shirt which they tried to create the shirt which he wanted with Jenn’s fabric markers but that didn’t work out.

She shared the post on social media along with a picture of the three officers doing their best to help the severely autistic teenage boy.


Even though the police didn’t succeed in making the shirt for the teen boy, they became heroes in the woman’s eyes because they were willing to go above and beyond to do that for her son.

The Bible says about faithful workers in Matthew 25:23: His lord said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.”

Let us continue to pray for our law enforcement that they and their families would be protected from every harm and danger by the Lord God almighty. Amen.

Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23


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