Baby Robin Can’t Forget Human Mom Who Rescued Him

Another beautiful story of rescue and hope this week is of a baby Robin who was saved by his human mom, Kara after she witnessed him in a terrible crow attack.


The baby Robin named Squeaker was dropped from a great height and had hurt his wings and legs due to it. Kara brought him home and fed him and saw that he was getting confident in a couple of days

Soon Squeaker was exploring on his own and his legs were getting stronger and would accompany mommy anytime she went out.

As she would dig for worms to feed him, he would stand on her foot and also started digging by himself and eating ants and bugs off of the ground.

Squeaker started gaining more momentum and loved to sit on mom’s shoulder. He was trying to start taking small flights after a week and that made mommy very happy.

He started flying and would land perfectly on Kara’s shoulder and also on her head. It started feeling safe for him to sleep outside so she started putting him in the nearby tree.

Kara realized that now it was time Squeaker would fly off as he was exploring more, and sure enough one day when she was walking the dog, she met Squeaker again.

They chirped back at each other and spent some beautiful moments together again. What a beautiful story shared by Kara, Squeaker really never forgot his human mommy.

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