Patient Gives Life To Christ After Surgeon Prays Over Him Before Surgery

A top surgeon was able to lead a patient to God after praying over him before his surgery.


We are so thankful to God for these skilled men and women surgeons who are under great pressure to do what they have to do in a limited amount of time.

The crucial surgery had to be canceled as the man’s blood pressure rose too high to give him anesthesia. It was a do-or-die moment but Dr. Michael Haglund who is one of the top cervical surgeons prayed to God about it and after a few minutes, the patient’s blood pressure was low enough for him to be anesthetized and the surgery could be performed.

Dr. Haglund shared about the incident saying, “The anesthesiologist comes in the room and says, ‘Mike, we’re not going to be able to do the surgery.” After questioning why the surgery was going to be canceled, Dr. Haglund recalled the anesthesiologist replying, ‘Cause his blood pressure is like 220/120. We can’t put someone to sleep with that kind of blood pressure.’

Haglund’s decided to pray over the patient before officially canceling the surgery to which the anesthesiologist reportedly responded with, ‘Okay, fine, whatever.'” His prayer resulted in the patient’s blood pressure dropping. “So, I go on, and I pray for him, and he calms down a little bit. It went from 220 down to like 170,” Dr. Haglund said. “We do his surgery, he does great, pain’s gone, gets back to work in two weeks,” he shared.

Meanwhile, a miracle was taking place this time in the patient’s spiritual life, 6 weeks after surgery, he comes back to the hospital to tell Dr. Haglund that “something changed.”

“I see him at six weeks, and he comes in. He goes, ‘You know that prayer you prayed for me?’ And I go, ‘Yeah.’ He goes ‘Something changed. Something’s different.’ And so like right there in the clinic we like prayed, and he accepted Christ and, you know, that’s what it’s all about,” Dr. Haglund shared.

Prayer has been found to have a profound effect on patients who pray or have family members praying for them in the hospital, and if you have a praying surgeon who believes in God, then there’s nothing like it.

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