Kind-Hearted Teen Rushes to Aid of Elderly Woman After Fall, Refuses Reward

It was a regular day for Susan Perry, 57, and her 79-year-old mother, Patricia, when they set out for their daily stroll in Ashville Park. Rain or shine, this mother-daughter duo has made it a routine to enjoy this bonding time together.

teen helps elderly woman after fall

Despite the challenges Patricia faces due to her past medical history, which includes a stroke, a severe fall, and having both her knees replaced, she remains determined. In fact, she makes it a point to walk, with the aid of a rollator, half a mile daily.

However, on August 11, a seemingly regular walk took a distressing turn. A miscommunication between Susan and her mother over which way to move around a bench in the park resulted in Patricia falling and sustaining a significant bruise. It was then that 14-year-old Daniel Hazzard, on his way to meet friends, witnessed the incident and swiftly came to their aid.

Displaying maturity beyond his years, Daniel approached Patricia with a gentle touch, ensuring she was alright and helping her get back on her rollator. When the situation seemed to call for using the car, Daniel, too young to drive, chose to stay with Patricia while Susan fetched the vehicle.

Susan, touched by his kind-heartedness, recounted, “He was real gentle with my mom… He helped get her in. He was just very kind.”

In a gesture of gratitude, the duo offered Daniel money, but the kind-hearted teen declined.

“I like helping people, especially elderly people. They need their money for bills, food, and gas.” Daniel said to The Epoch Times.

teen helps elderly woman

With a heart full of gratitude, Ms. Susan Perry later shared the story on Facebook. To which, Daniel, notified by his teachers and football coaches, responded, showing concern for Ms. Patricia Perry’s well-being.

As Susan so aptly put it, this incident underscores the exemplary character present in many young individuals today. “This is probably one of the very many examples of outstanding young people,” she said, with a heart full of gratitude for Daniel’s kindness.

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” – Hebrews 13:2.

Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23