‘The Solution Was Prayer’: Denzel Washington Speaks For the First Time About Oscars Will Smith Slap Incident

People are still talking about what happened at the Oscars this year because of an incident involving actor Will Smith and host Chris Rock.

While presenting the awards, Chris Rock made an unsavory joke about Smith’s wife Jada that resulted in Rock getting slapped by Smith. But later on, while accepting the Academy’s Best Actor award, Will Smith appeared to be repentant for his actions, after Tyler Perry and Denzel Washington spoke to him during a break.


What they discussed hasn’t been revealed to the world but we do know that Denzel is a professing Christian and has been very vocal about his faith and so He must have given him sound advice. Recently during the 2022 International Leadership Summit, T.D. Jakes hosted a Master Class session with Denzel Washington and briefly asked him about his role after the slapping of Chris Rock.

It’s no secret that Will Smith considers Denzel Washington as his mentor and has previously said, “He’s always been a mentor for me.” So, Washington had to be there to provide counsel to Will Smith after witnessing his outburst at the Oscars. “No way I could have sat in my seat,” Denzel explained. “That’s just not who I am.”

Denzel Washington is a firm believer in spiritual warfare and that Satan uses it as an advantage to him when we are at our most vulnerable and don’t depend on God. He said to T.D. Jakes, “There’s a saying when the devil ignores you, then you know you’re doing something wrong,” he said.

Denzil added, “The devil goes, ‘Oh no leave him alone, he’s my favorite.’ Conversely, when the devil comes at you, maybe it’s because he’s trying to do something right. And for whatever reason, the devil got ahold of him that night.” It was clear that Will Smith needed his friend Denzil Washington by his side that evening as he stood in the gap for him and prayed after the assault.

Speaking about how important the grace of God was that night, Denzil said, “I don’t wanna say what we talked about, but there but for the grace of God go any of us,” he said. He added, “Who are we to condemn? I don’t know all the ins and outs of this situation, but I know the only solution was prayer, the way I saw it, the way I see it,” he said.

May we be that friend who gives good advice and prays for people around us rather than the one who condemns and puts them down.

John 15:12-15. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command.

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Verse of the Day

“I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.””

Psalm 40:8


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