Dogs Join For Company Meeting Over Zoom With BBC Sports Commentator

With the lockdown causing disruptions in people’s lives and in businesses worldwide, the video conferencing app, Zoom is helping people stay connected with their families, and business owners are connecting with their employees through it.

Another hilarious video was shared by BBC sports commentator, Andrew Cotter, from Scotland who has been sharing funny videos of his dogs Olive and Mabel on social media.


In his latest video, Cotter hosts a Zoom meeting to discuss the dogs future with the company.

His two dogs, Olive and Mabel were present on Zoom with him as he charted out their future and told them that the company had decided not to furlough them.

He was especially moved by Olive who impressed him with her impeccable behavior on Zoom video but Mabel seemed distracted and bored as she played with one of her stuffed toys and also seemed to fall asleep on the video conferencing app!

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