Christian Songwriters Sing Beautiful Song ‘My Savior Will Be Waiting for Me’

Dan and Amanda Esh present a beautiful original song ‘My Savior Will Be Waiting For Me.’

My Savior Will Be Waiting for Me cover

Amanda Esh is the writer of the song and Dan plays the guitar while performing it.

On their official YouTube channel they write, “We share a passion for music, and hope you are encouraged by the songs we share!”

Jesus Christ told His disciples that he had to leave them and go to heaven because he was preparing an eternal home for them.

Even today the lord is waiting patiently for us to come home to Him in Heaven and spend eternity there with God.

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Verse of the Day

““A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.””

John 13:34-35