Pastor’s Act Of Kindness To Man He Just Met Saves Both Of Their Lives

Don Herbert is a gospel singer and he had been suffering from a life threatening condition for the past few years. One day Don and his wife Blendid heard a beautiful gospel music coming from a nearby church. That powerful sound lead them to inside and there they met Pastor Tim Jones. That was a beautiful beginning of a new friendship for them. Pastor invited Don to join in the upcoming revival since he has a great crave for the music. Don had a strong faith in God and believed nothing is impossible for him. But soon he was diagnosed with heart block at Duke Medical Center  and would need a cardiac catheterization to clear it out. Doctors informed the couple that his kidneys are weak and it should be replaced in order to avoid cardiac risks. Blendid shared their situation on Facebook seeking help from others. Pastor Tim saw this message and offered to be a donor. The surprising fact was they had only met two weeks prior then also his willingness was unbelievable. Medical reports shown that Tim was a perfect match for Don. A miracle happened on the surgery day when Doctors went to remove Tim’s kidney they found an aneurysm which left unnoticed might have killed him. This off beat tracks of events in these strangers life saved both of them on the day.

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Verse of the Day

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2