10-Year-Old’s Act Of Kindness To A Little Girl During Phillies Game Is Warming Hearts All Over The Country

A 10-year-old boy from Willow, Pa. is warming the hearts of people with a sweet act of kindness that has made him popular on the internet.

phillies foul ball catch boy

At a Phillies game, a foul ball hit the stands. Being a diehard fan of the team, 5th grader Aaron Pressley was able to grab it and held it up as a prized trophy.

But what he did next came as a total surprise to his family, city, and social media. Explaining what he did, he says, “When I looked to my left, I saw a little girl crying and I’m just thinking in my head, ‘I can’t keep the ball.'”

Pressley was aware that the little girl had also tried to grab it. “It didn’t feel right to keep the ball. I just had to give it to her. So I went over there, and I saw her crying and I just felt so sad. I gave her the ball. She said, ‘Thank you.’ It just felt so good. I felt like a good guy.”

The little girl, Emma, was over the moon to receive the ball, but her family was so touched by what Aaron did that they thanked him with a Phillies gift card just before the game ended.

It didn’t end there for Aaron because the team was also moved by his act of kindness and sent over another ball for him. “Just do nice things for people,” Pressley says. “People say Phillies fans are not the nicest people, but that’s not true. Just be a nice person and always have positive energy inside of you.”

phillies foul ball catch boy

Aaron is an honor student and wants to play baseball when he grows up. His dad, Norlen, says he and his wife are super happy and proud of their son’s heartwarming act. What a good upbringing Pressley has had, and it is his parents’ training that is behind his good behavior.

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6.

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“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23


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