The Singing Contractors Singing ‘My Jesus I Love Thee’​ Is Such An Encouragement

The Singing Contractors are encouraging us with a classic rendition of ‘My Jesus I Love Thee.’


‘My Jesus I Love Thee’ was written by William Ralph Featherston in 1864 when he was 16 years old. In 1876 Adoniram Gordon added music to Featherston’s poem. Featherston died at the age of 27 before his poem became a well-known inspirational hymn. The poem is believed to have been his only publicly published work.

When Jesus chose to be our intercessor and savior, He knew that all of creation could be reconciled to God. He knew all that He would suffer on our behalf and also He knew what would happen to us if He didn’t choose to die for us.

Jesus set aside His crown in heaven for a time so that He might adorn a crown of thorns, willingly putting Himself in harm’s way, so that we might be saved and enter into His Kingdom for all eternity.

What a mighty God we serve and what a willing sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us so that we might be saved even though it cost Him a very heavy price.

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Verse of the Day

“[More on Love and Hatred] For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.”

1 John 3:11


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