‘God Told Me To Do It’: 24-year-Old Teacher Uses Her Entire Savings To Adopt Student And Brother

A young teacher gave her student and his brother the gift of a forever home and says that it was God who told her to do it.


24 year old, Chelsea Haley, was a new teacher when she decided to adopt her student and his brother.

It’s completely unheard of and it cost her entire life’s savings, but that didn’t stop Chelsea from fulfilling God’s calling in her life.

Now Chelsea Haley and her beautiful family are back with an update about what God has been doing in their life.

How it began

Chelsea Haley decided to become a teacher and joined Teach For America after she felt the calling of God for her to make a difference in low-income schools. And that’s where she met Jerome Robinson.

Jerome was a “problem child” in the class, he was so rowdy in her fourth-grade classroom, that Chelsea almost left the teaching profession altogether.

She stayed on and began working on Jerome, and then realized that the reason he was behaving in that way was because of a bad situation at home.


The adoption

Home problems were bad for Jerome, and his baby brother, Jace, as well. Chelsea felt drawn towards helping her “problem student,” and says that God came in her dreams and told her to adopt them.

Chelsea Haley immediately followed God’s leading and used up all her savings and her 401k and brought both Jerome and his brother Jace into her home. “I never thought I’d be a single mom at age 24,” Chelsea said. “Especially of two boys, one of which was my 12-year-old student. And the other one who was only a year-and-a-half.”

It seemed a crazy decision for a 24-year-old girl to give up her life and earnings for strangers but it was God who had led her every step of the way. Chelsea was obedient to God and stepped out in faith even though she had to give up everything for it.

“My faith played a huge role in this whole situation, and I really felt God calling me into motherhood,” she says.

God rewards her

It’s not always easy to let God do what He wants in our lives, but when we do so, He rewards us richly.

Chelsea Haley had to pay the attorney’s fees to adopt her student and his baby brother which finished her entire life’s savings. She then depended on credit cards to raise them and deferred her student loans which pushed her into debt.

But Chelsea says it is all worth it, “Being their mom is the greatest blessing of my life,” Chelsea says. “I get to wake up in the morning and love two little guys.”

She worked hard and made sacrifices and took on extra jobs tutoring and delivering groceries to earn extra cash and they all moved in with her parents.

Her hard work paid off, and now along with having a loving home for Jerome (17) and Jace (6), she’s also paid off the $48,683.41 debt in credit cards and student loans.

“It doesn’t feel real yet,” Chelsea said. “It’s so amazing. I even logged into my student loans and it said, ‘Cleared. Zero balance.’”

Family update 💙💙💙

** Edit: Thank you all so much for the kind words! We are so excited! God has Blessed us! And just so…

Posted by Chelsea Haley on Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Now the only thing she has in mind is buying a home and putting Jerome and Jace through college. “It allows me to focus on the boys’ future,” she said. “Saving money for them, and not spending it on my past.”

Chelsea Haley has impacted these two boys lives with unconditional love and support and is raising them to be responsible citizens with the help of God.


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