10-Year-Old Brothers Credit Jesus For Guiding Them To Save Dad From Drowning

An Alabama dad is praising God after his two sons and their friend saved him from drowning.


The incident happened some days before Father’s Day when Brad Hassig was enjoying a swim in his pool along with his two ten-year-old sons- Bridon and Christian, and their friend- Sam Ebert.

Hassig said that it was a regular thing for him to go swimming in the pool to relax, “I like to do breathing exercises,” he said. “It’s peaceful and relaxing. I love being underwater; something I do all the time. I say the Lord’s Prayer when I do this. It’s kind of a meditation… I don’t remember finishing it.”

Brad Hassig recalls that he was feeling very relaxed and peaceful, but his sons knew something wasn’t right. “He usually sits kind of like he’s meditating,” said Christian. “I could see he was shaking a bunch and then he just laid on his side. Since I had goggles on, I could see his face was turning very light blue. I told Bridon, ‘Dad’s not okay.’”

Bridon and Sam sprung into action to save their dad’s life, “Me and Sam dove into the water and I got one shoulder and he got the other,” said Bridon. “We just dragged him to the steps.” By that time Hassig wasn’t responding and Christian decided to go and get help, Bridon began giving him CPR and mouth-to-mouth.

Bridon said, “I first gave him CPR a little and then I started giving him mouth to mouth and then he started throwing up foam and salt water and blood,” he said. “It was like I just got slammed on my side,” said Brad. “When I kind of came to — I’m coughing up blood and water, struggling to breathe and there are people everywhere. My one son was yelling, ‘Daddy, daddy, come back!’”

Hassig was taken to the ER at Grandview Medical Center and was admitted to the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. He was kept at the hospital overnight and released 24 hours later. “I mean it’s just emotions are just overwhelming you that your boys saved your life,” said Brad.

He added, “There’s no way physically that they should have been able to do what they did. They hadn’t had the training to do what they did, to act as fast, to run as fast, as far, to know to flag down somebody to call 911 while the other is doing CPR on you. I mean, it’s a God thing. God’s hand was all over it.”

When Bridon was asked what made him give his dad CPR and save his life he said, “I felt like a voice, cause it wasn’t them or Sam,” said Bridon. “I felt like a voice in my head, ‘Save your dad.’ Jesus put a hand on our shoulder and guided us through the whole part.”

The children were over the moon when their dad recovered and came home, “When he came home, that’s got to be the happiest moment of my life,” said Christian. “I probably hugged him two straight minutes like I just didn’t want to let go,” said Bridon.

Hassig said, “I love them,” said Brad. “I’m very proud of them and grateful. I’ll be grateful for the rest of my life.” Bridon and Christian said they learned to give CPR from the movies! But now the family wants to set up a group training to help all of them get certified on CPR.

Brad has a word of advice for everyone out there who loves to swim, he says never go swimming alone. Clearly, this was a miracle that these two young boys saved their dad’s life without any training in CPR. It was the Lord’s doing and we thank Him for the wisdom He gave those young children to rescue their father. Praise God!

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23


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