Daughter Thanks Amazon Delivery Driver For Saving Dad’s Life On Porch After Medical Emergency

There are lots of stories on the internet about delivery drivers saving people’s lives, but this one is special and tugs at the heart.

An Amazon driver was busy delivering parcels on her route in Graham, Washington, not knowing that she was going to save the life of a stranger that day.


Donald Crisman was having an aneurysm in his lower intestine while on his front porch when the Amazon driver drove past him on March 6 at around 1 p.m. Although she wasn’t delivering to his house, she immediately responded to his cries of help and called 911 and his family.

Donald Crisman’s daughter has now publically thanked the local Amazon driver for not ignoring her dad and driving past, but for saving her father’s life in a dramatic way. There’s no doubt that if the woman had not responded to the heartwrenching requests by Donald to call his wife, he probably wouldn’t be alive today.

Maddie Crisman thanked the driver named Priscilla in a Facebook post and said that the family was searching for her to personally thank her. She also clarified while her dad was sick on the porch, her mom was in the shower and couldn’t hear him calling her.

The grateful daughter said if it weren’t for the delivery driver’s timely intervention, her father would likely have passed away on the driveway. “Without her, he wouldn’t have the chance he has now,” she said.

The family has been looking for her and Maddie added that “She didn’t leave a name or anything like that, she just helped and left. We need more people like that,” Maddie Crisman said.

The story has had a happy ending after the family was able to get in touch with Priscilla after their social media posts got attention, they connected with the driver on Wednesday. “I am so so thankful to say that this evening I have gotten in contact with Priscilla, who is the woman who saved my dad’s life,” Maddie Crisman shared to Facebook.

Meanwhile, Donald Crisman is awaiting surgery. “My dad is set to undergo the most important surgery tomorrow [Thursday] morning. Any good vibes are welcome,” wrote Maddie Crisman.

Would we stop and help someone needing help while on our way to work or any other place, or would we just pass by ignoring their cries of help?

There are many people hurting and crying around us today, let us stop what we are doing and respond to them and make a difference in the lives of someone.

ACTS 20:35 “In everything I have shown you that, by working hard, we must help the weak. In this way we remember the Lord Jesus’ words: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.'”

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23


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