Stranger Makes Bench For Down Syndrome Boy Who Loves The American Flag

A 6-year-old boy’s admiration for the flag led a rank stranger to surprise him in a way that led his family and many who know him to still believe in humanity.


Finn Daly, of West Hartford, Connecticut has Down Syndrome and Autism, but his deep love and appreciation for the American flag is what is so amazing about him.

His mother says that Finn sits for hours in their house looking at their flag and if there is a breeze and the flag flutters, then he spends more time on it.

They are blessed with many flags around their home where they live so when the family goes walking around the community, it takes hours for them to return home.

Finn took a liking to one particular flag and would stare at it for hours, almost camping near it.

The owner of that flag, Todd Disk had observed Finn’s fascination for the flag, and decided to do something about it.

He built a bench for Finn and even wrote his name on it and placed it near the flag, so that Finn could sit there on it and admire the flag as long as he liked.


This beautiful gesture made Finn’s parents and sister so emotional that his mother cried on seeing it and was touched by the kind act.

She says her faith in humanity has been restored by this act of kindness done by a total stranger, and so are our hearts touched as well. It makes us believe that there is so much good still left in the world.

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